Monday, January 21, 2008

I have been away for so long.......

I apologize to those who have come to my blog for the past two months and seen nothing new to read. Life has been really busy and I have not allowed myself the time to post and write about what is going on in my life. Work is crazy busy, as we prepare for a big trade show in 3 weeks in sunny Los Angeles, California. We recently moved into a new office out in Nampa and have enjoyed making it feel like our new home.

I think that the main reason I have been away from blogging for so long is due to the fact that I am trying to get my life in order, this means so many things though. From work, school (wanting to go back), family and trying to find a social life. With the coming of this new year, setting goals and keeping them have been on my mind. I'm wanting to become that great person that I know is just screaming to come out and meet the rest of the world.

This last week, my very best friend drove down to Boise from Rexburg. He came down to see our good friend Dan Caine get baptized and to see me of course. Being able to spend time with him allowed for me to remember the importance of friendship, it was so great to see him and to hear his laugh again, it had been six months since I had last seen him. After the baptism, Craig, Jennifer, Krista, Lance, Mel and I all went to eat at GoodWood, we had plenty of good laughs!!! We sat and lauged at Craig tell him life story. I promise to be better at posting this year, and over the next few months to get back on track.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are back!! I miss you so much!! I have been thinking about you alot lately!! I am going to be up in Boise in a couple weeks to run, so be prepared to go play!!!