Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A new business idea......

For years now, I have found that I love to create, design, make better the places I live in and visit and see. My imagination runs wild when it comes to color, spaces and designing. I have always wanted to start my own business helping people beautify and change their homes. I want to go into people's homes and help them re-arrange and decorate. It would cost the client no money for me to come and look at the space, create a plan, then see that it gets done. The only part that I would charge, is my actual time that I spend in their home re-arranging. Any thoughts on this??? Would it really work? Is anyone interested in giving me a shot? Let me know, I would enjoy coming to your house, looking at the spaces and furniture you already have, then making the transformation!!!!! I want to do this so bad, really I do, but have been so afraid to make it happen. So today I am taking a stand against fear and doubt, you do the same!


laneyfamily said...

Go For It! You can start with my house for free if you need some practice! Just kididng- your house is looking great! I love your plants. Let us know when we can come and visit you sometime!

Sara said...

JQ- You can practic on my house too! You would be great at it!