Monday, September 17, 2007

What a great weekend...

On Friday, Krista, Jackie and I decided to brave the single adults in Boise! We went to an Institute talent show and dance outside on the quad at BSU. It was alittle out of control and I even got a girl's number, such a luck girl. So as Krista was asking for her number, she pulls out a notepad and writes it on a piece of paper! Hello it's 2007 and we have cell phones!!!! We laughed so hard, I even kept the piece of paper, we'll see what happens these next few weeks! It's all because of Krista that I may have found the woman of my dreams, or wait, maybe it's her dreams, so funny! After the dance, Jackie, Krista, Alisha and I went to Old Chicago downtown to eat. It was quit an adventure this weekend. As soon as I get pics I will post them for all to see.


Anonymous said...

hey justin, i read your page! it looks good. we love you and look forward to reading it each week. we hope you are having a great day! - rachel & ava

Justin Quinn said...


Thanks so much for reading it! The blog is still a work in progress and it will be fun to update it each week! I am mostly going to use this to post write about my depression and to hopefully help other people over come theirs. Love ya and see ya soon!

Love ya, Justin